Stamplot adalah aplikasi untuk ploting, indikator, data logging, dan serial data control dari microcontroller. Konfigurasi penuh dari microcontroller atau melalui PC berbasis macro files.
Basic stamp dari parallax sangat favorite, hampir dengan semua microcontroller yang berkomunikasi dengan PC menggunakan serial port.
Stampplot sangatlah serbaguna :
1. 8 sample yang siap digunakan untuk monitoring dan kontrol
2. Mem plot sampai 10 analog input
3. Mem plot 8 chanel digital
4. Men Save file plot dan jpg image.
5. Template data ke dalam ducument lain
dll. bisa dibaca sendiri di situs resminya disini.
Disini saya mencoba untuk menghubungkan Arduino severino dengan Stampplot, karena arduino mendapat julukan stampplot killer.
Dari situs stampplot/makerplot ada beberapa program sample yang sudah bisa langsung dipakai ke arduino
filenya dalam bentuk .txt. Caranya tiggal di copy dan dipaste kan ke arduino program. Dibawah ini programnya :
Performs basic interaction with MakerPlot Interactive Interface to
read the slider for the setPoint and control virual LED0 if alarming.
Plots analog values of input and setpoint and
digital values of switches and LED state.
The circuit:
* potentiometer connected to A0.
Center pin of the potentiometer goes to the analog pin.
side pins of the potentiometer go to +5V and ground
* LED connected from digital D9 to ground
* Pushbutton swithes on D2 and D3 going to ground.
created July 2012
by Martin Hebel, SelmaWare Solutions
This example code is in the public domain.
const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to
const int LEDpin = 9; // Analog output pin that the LED is attached to
const int SW1pin = 2; // Pushbutton switch, raise setpoint
const int SW2pin = 3; // Pushbutton switch, lower setpoint
int sensorValue = 0; // value read from the pot
int setPoint = 500; // Initial value of setPoint
int SW1state = 0; // Store state of SW1
int SW2state = 0; // Store state of SW2
int LEDstate = 0; // Store state of LED
void setup() {
// configure hardware
pinMode(SW1pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Enable pull-ups on switches
pinMode(SW2pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT); // set LED to be an output pin
// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:
config_MP(); // function to configure MakerPlot
void loop() {
measureData(); // measure values
read_MPSlider(); // Read slider value from MakerPlot
buttonControl(); // Use buttons to also adjust setpoint
control(); // control based on settings
plotData(); // diplay/plot values
// wait 100 milliseconds before the next loop
void measureData()
// read the analog in value
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
void read_MPSlider()
flushBuffer(); // Ensure buffer empty
Serial.println("!READ (Slider)"); // Request the slider's value
setPoint = Serial.parseInt(); // Accept returned data
void buttonControl()
{ // Check states of pushbuttons, it pressed change setpoint up or down
SW1state = digitalRead(SW1pin);
if (SW1state == 0)
setPoint+=10; // add 10 to setPoint
Serial.print("!O Slider= "); // Update slider with new setpoint
SW2state = digitalRead(SW2pin);
if (SW2state == 0)
setPoint-=10; // subtract 10 from setPoint
Serial.print("!O Slider= "); // Update slider with new setpoint
void plotData()
// print the analog values formatted for MakerPlot
Serial.print(sensorValue); // send 1st value
Serial.print(","); // send comma delimiter
Serial.println(setPoint); // send 2nd value with carriage return
// print the digital values formatted for MakerPlot
Serial.print("%"); // send binary indicator
Serial.print(SW1state); // send 1/0 for SW1
Serial.print(SW2state); // send 1/0 for SW2
Serial.println(LEDstate); // send 1/0 for LED with carriage return
void control()
// Check pot value against setpoint, if above light LED, take snapshot
if (sensorValue > setPoint)
LEDstate = 1;
LEDstate = 0;
Serial.print("!O LED0="); // set up to control virtual LED0
Serial.println(LEDstate); // send value with CR
void config_MP()
delay(2000); // allow connection to stabilize
Serial.println(); // send in case garbage in queue
Serial.println("!RSET"); // Reset the plot
Serial.println("!O txtSW*= "); // Clear all switch text boxes
Serial.println("!O txtLED*= "); // Clear all LED text boxes
Serial.println("!O txtSlider=SetPnt"); // Label slider
Serial.println("!O Slider.Max=1000"); // Set slider max to 1000
Serial.println("!O txtLED0=Alarm"); // Label LED0 for alarm
Serial.println("!O LED*=0"); // Turn all LEDs off
// clear constant drawings and place constant text on plot
Serial.println("!CLRC(CR)@TEXT 30A,105A,1.5A,(Blue),Basic Interaction with Arduino!");
void flushBuffer()
Serial.flush(); // flush serial buffer (may not always flush?)
while (Serial.available()) // manually empty as well, read as long as bytes in there;
dari keterangan progamnya ;
* potensio dihhubungkan ke A0.
Center pin dari potensio ke analog pin.
sisi kanan dan kiri potensio ke +5V and ground
* LED dihubungkan ke digital pin 9 to ground ( bisa dirubah programnya ke pin 13, jadi sudah tdk perlu wiring LED lagi )
* Pushbutton switch ke D2 and D3 com ground.
seperti ini :
Kemudian kita upload programnya ke arduino. Ternyata cukup mudah, tidak ada hambatan sama sekali rangkaian dan program bekerja sangat baik. Tidak salah jika arduino dijuluki stampplot killer.
Sample programnya tidak hanya satu, kemudian juga ada video tutorialnya. thanks Arduino & Stampplot
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